January’s begun with a bang and a blitz…a media blitz that shows no signs of slowing down…

In addition to being interviewed on Sirius radio by StudioJ, I was also interviewed for two upcoming articles about Jewish blogging: one in Hadassah Magazine (link to come) and another in the JTA, which has since been picked up by several afilliated publications, like the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles.

Travel’s the name of the game in the first quarter of 2006: this past week I cruised with other singles in the Caribbean–next week, I head off to the left coast for meetings in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and to Long Beach for the long-awaited Jewlicious @ the Beach conference.

Plus, lots of clips are amassing over there in the corner, so stop by and take a look as I tackle soulmates, the Friend Zone, the extreme makeover of online dating site Frumster, and why New Year’s resolutions are more easily said than done.

In the meantime, feel free to leave me comments and feedback about this site or my work…hope your 2006 is off to a revelrous and creative beginning…