You’ve found me. Even though I’ve done no PR work to promote this website–which is not quite ready to officially launch with confetti and fanfare–hundreds of you have somehow found this website. I guess the proper thing to say at this moment is “Thank you, Google…”

Anyway, for those of you who came here expecting to find clips or various other forms of Estherness, I’m pleased to present some recent articles for your hopeful enjoyment. As always, I value your input, so feel free to leave comments to let me know you were here and that you had a good time. Because that’s really all I want in life: to make sure you’re happy.

OyBaby, the Jewish answer to Baby Einstein, is back with a sequel: OyBaby2. Or, as my editor at the Jewish Week titled it, “Son of OyBaby.” (Next up, OyBaby Vs. Mothra.) If you visit the OyBaby blog, leave Rob a comment and let him know Esther sent you…

Tired of winter already? SAD? Me too. I need a vacation. So I’m “Booking a Voyage Out of Darkness.”

Marathon Sunday in New York City was sunny and warm, with temperatures reaching 68 degrees. As the marathon (an obvious metaphor for New York’s infamous rat race) ran, no one could believe it was November. But the moments of light were themselves fleet-footed; by 4:47 pm, we watched helplessly, as the sun slipped away, abandoning us to the post-daylight-saving time darkness.

In autumn and winter, it’s a literal challenge to find light. Those of us bound to a typical office environment arrive in morning light, luck out if we snag a few sunny minutes midday, and then, after disengaging from desk-side doldrums, commute home in darkness. It is no accident that winter’s holidays — Christmas, Chanukah and Kwanzaa — all center on themes and images relating to illumination. And it is no surprise that people, especially singles, might take the external darkness and internalize it emotionally.


Stay tuned to this site for more clips, pics, and gigs…the best is yet to come…